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Heartburn Causes - What Causes Heartburn?

The number of people suffering from frequent heartburn causes episodes is increasing. Now we know that this is our way of life which is the cause of pain behind the breastbone and unpleasant burning sensation in the esophagus and throat . Heartburn and diarrhea, is a perfect example of how eating the wrong types of foods can cause a number of problems that maintains heartburn causes the balance of the body .

Heartburn is created by acid reflux. The food we eat, mixed with stomach heartburn causes acid into the esophagus and causes chest pain and burning in the throat. This is due to the weakening of the muscle between the esophagus and the stomach that causes heartburn. The muscle between the stomach and esophagus will soften when it comes into contact with food that irritates . This muscle does not heartburn causes work well and the acid backs up into the esophagus ,

The increase in heartburn causes the production of acid in the stomach caused by different types of foods can cause heartburn should be intensified. Some of the excess acid can back up into the esophagus , but also often causes acute diarrhea. Diarrhea comes as heartburn, we feel like we are the cause of the other heartburn causes.

Foods that moves slowly through the stomach can also cause heartburn, because it takes more acid in the stomach for digestion heartburn causes and this additional acid may be found in the esophagus. What we eat can cause diarrhea and slow movement of food in the stomach.

If you are considering taking a medication to treat, heartburn causes be careful because some of them have aluminum hydroxide which has been known to cause diarrhea in some people.

Diarrhea can also be caused inhibitors proton pump . Inhibitor work proton pump is delaying the production of acid in the stomach heartburn causes, but a possible side effect that can occur is the possibility of developing diarrhea .

Although diarrhea heartburn causes occurs in the abdomen and stomach burns in the esophagus. The question can be felt throughout the digestive system. Multiple health problems can be attributed to the inability of the vitamins are absorbed into the body due to an imbalance in the production of acid in heartburn causes the stomach.

When heartburn and diarrhea occur at the same time, heartburn causes we could be faced with two completely different health problems . For example , a person might be a victim of irritable bowel syndrome and heartburn at the same time . It is very important to consult a doctor if heartburn and diarrhea occurs regularly. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are necessary. There are many health problems that can result from prolonged diarrhea.

The main reason for the experience of the pain heartburn causes is that the return of stomach acid into the esophagus and burn the delicate tissues there. Beyond that, however, there are other underlying causes of heartburn that you can have control over, you may even be able to use that knowledge to control stop double heartburn causes.

The acidity can come with a variety of other digestive diseases. Although these other conditions may not be directly related to acid reflux , poor eating habits and malnutrition still bring problems in the digestive system . Before resorting to powerful drugs , it is best to try to restore balance to the digestive system by switching to a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains , lean meats and plenty of water. Caution regarding food is the best rule to follow.

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