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Herbs Helpful for Treating Heartburn


Most people head to the cabinets to look for antacids whenever heartburn rears its ugly head. However, as with virtually all medications though, you need to know there are side effects. This is especially true if you use them for a longer period of time than you are supposed to.
It may be better to take a more natural approach to dealing with your symptoms. There are various herbs rumored to be very effective in treating heartburn. The following are some of the most common.
The properties of cinnamon make it a great herb to take when you're having digestive problems. Not only is it good for treating heartburn pain, but it can also help you relieve abdominal pain, diarrhea, and gas. Cinnamon combined with honey and milk is a great concoction to try the next time you're having trouble.
Another herb that's a useful aid for the digestive system is ginger. It has been used for quite a long time thanks to its benefits. Simply grind up a small amount of fresh ginger and steep it in boiling water for about ten minutes. This type of tea is also useful if you're experiencing nausea or abdominal cramps. Ginger also combines well with other herbs.
This isn't the white snack that you're thinking of. The root of marshmallow will help soothe your digestive tract when you make it into a tea. Those who practice traditional herbal medicine have long used it just like ginger.
Yet another herb that can help treat your heartburn pain is meadowsweet. This herb is said to neutralize excess acid, which will in turn help soothe your digestive tract. If you have ulcers, it is said to help with them too. Like the aforementioned options, this herb can be made into a tea to see results.
It is important that you not just buy any herb and expect to reap the benefits. Get your hands on organic herbs whenever possible. You don't want anything that has come into contact with chemicals like herbicides and pesticides.
If you suffer from heartburn frequently, then it's a good idea to have some of these herbs in your kitchen. You don't want to waste time having to travel to the store when you're feeling uncomfortable.
Also, remember that the use of herbs to treat heartburn doesn't exactly have much scientific backing. Don't rely on these remedies to treat severe problems. Your doctor will need to be consulted in these cases.
Heartburn is no fun to deal with. But, you don't have to rely on medications to get rid of the pain. Check out this special report with home remedies for heartburn today.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=D_Swain

Causes and Treatment of Heartburn


Heartburn is a condition that requires medical attention. There are many causes of it and treatment of it includes remedies and allopathic medication as well. Heartburn is characterized by symptoms of acid reflux. In this article, we will explore the causes and treatment options for it.
Causes of Heartburn
There are several causes of it. Heartburn can result from certain foods. Alcohol, carbonated beverages, acidic juices can all be the cause of it. This can also be due to pregnancy, smoking, hiatal hernia or even primary diseases of the esophagus.
Treatment of Heartburn
As far as the treatment of it is concerned, the emphasis is on medication as well as certain lifestyle changes. Eat smaller meals and avoid eating just prior to bedtime. Avoid smoking, caffeine and stimulants. Antacids are prescribed for those with Heartburn as this can bind the acid in the stomach and coat the oesophagus. Histamine H2 antagonists are also prescribed for those with Heartburn such as Zantac or Pepcid.
Heartburn Remedies
Heartburn is not a benign condition and if not treated properly, it can lead to esophageal cancer. Therefore, several people have tried home remedies as well as allopathic medication. Some of the home Heartburn remedies are as follows:
  • Baking Soda
  • Licorice
  • Aloe Vera
  • Slippery Elm
  • Calcium
  • Clown's mustard plant
  • German chamomile
  • Greater celandine
  • Angelica
  • Caraway
  • Lemon balm
  • Milk thistle
  • Peppermint
Some of the remedies include watching what you eat, how you eat and when you eat. There is a correlation between smoking and Heartburn. Therefore, those with this condition should avoid cigarettes and make sure that they lead a healthy lifestyle. Losing weight is another key step towards coping with Heartburn. Working out and exercising can also lead to an improvement. This is because exercise protects against acid reflux which is a major determinant implicated in the etiology of Heartburn.
Thus, Heartburn requires treatment and cure and there are several heartburn remedies which can benefit a person suffering from this condition. Alleviating the initial discomfort is the role of allopathic medication but lifestyle changes and home remedies can help to improve the health of the person and heal Heartburn in the long term. Before taking a remedy or supplement, the doctor should be consulted however, as some of the remedies may interact with the medicines. Hence Heartburn though not a life threatening condition, has serious long term consequences. Keeping this in mind, there needs to be some amount of perseverance in treating this problem before it flares into a major disease. Thus, the treatment for this condition should be sought immediately.
HeartburnReliefSolutions.com is set up to provide a useful resource for people interested in finding solutions for their heartburn and/or acid reflux. We've tried to create an easy to use website filled with great information and different tips on heartburn remedies every page but we're still growing so come back often and check out our new posts.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Russell_Chambers

Ten Big Reasons You Get Heartburn


Millions of people have heartburn or acid reflux, which is why antacid drugs have been among the best sellers for more than a decade, grossing tens of billions of dollars each year for the pharmaceutical companies.
But what if heartburn had nothing to do with having too much acid in your stomach?
Instead, what if it was to do with a simple equation:
Too much "bad stuff" in your body, combined with not enough "good stuff"?
Well, it turns out this is exactly the case and once you know how and why heartburn and acid reflux develop, you can begin doing something about it.
Here are ten reasons you might get these symptoms, along with some tips on how to alleviate them:
1. H. pylori infection - this bad bug screws into your stomach lining, causing redness, swelling and pain that feels like your chest is on fire. I had H. pylori between 2004 and 2007, but I only found out about it when I ran a stool test in summer 2007. My heartburn went away quickly when I treated the H. pylori using herbs. Tip: Ask your doc for a breath or stool test for H. pylori and get rid of it if needed.
2. Cow's milk has been shown to create stomach and intestinal inflammation in some people. Tip: switch to goat's milk.
3. Gluten is a protein in wheat, rye and barley. According to some experts, 80% of the population may be genetically prone to gluten intolerance, which causes inflammation in the intestine that can feel like heartburn. Tip: eat a gluten-free diet.
4. Low stomach acid - as strange as it may seem, tests on some 2,000 patients by Dr. Jonathan Wright, MD. showed heartburn occurred more frequently in people who had LOW levels of stomach acid, not high levels. Tip: try hydrochloric acid supplements with meals under the supervision of a trained professional.
5. Candida overgrowth - Candida is a type of yeast that overgrows when your good bacteria and stomach acid levels drop too low. It can overgrow in your mouth, throat, stomach and intestine and can cause heartburn. Tip: run a comprehensive stool test to check for Candida overgrowth.
6. Hiatal hernia - a hiatal hernia can cause heartburn and acid symptoms. Your doctor can check for this. Tip: a good chiropractor or physical therapist can perform a manipulation to resolve the hernia (I've seen this done on patients who report full resolution of their heartburn afterwards).
7. Alcohol consumption - alcohol can burn the lining of the stomach, causing pain and burning sensations. Tip: minimize alcohol consumption and only ever drink alcohol with food.
8. Parasite infestations - there are dozens of parasites and bacteria that can overgrow in the gut and cause heartburn. One parasite - a tiny worm called Strongyloides - can bury into your gut lining like H. pylori bacteria, causing significant burning and discomfort. Tip - run a comprehensive stool test to check for parasites.
9. Dehydration - if you don't drink enough water, your stomach lining ends up looking like a dry desert. The protective mucus that is made in goblet cells to protect your stomach lining degrades, opening up your stomach tissue to erosion by acid. Tip: drink 8-10 glasses of water per day and sip them gradually.
10. Eating spicy food - as simple as it may seem, reducing your consumption of spicy foods can really help to reduce heartburn, and that's my final tip for you.
Go away and try these tips, implementing the simple ones first - drink more water and avoid gluten and cow's milk.
If this doesn't work, move onto the other tips - get tested for H. pylori, parasites and Candida and find out what's in your gut that shouldn't be!
I hope this article has helped.
Dave Hompes makes it easy for people to beat Helicobacter Pylori, heartburn, & digestive pain. You can download the first three chapters of his eBook The H Pylori & Heartburn Diet absolutely free by visiting:
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dave_Hompes