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Heartburn Foods To Avoid - Foods to Avoid If You Have Heartburn

Reduce the feeling of heartburn is as easy heartburn foods to avoid as knowing the different foods to avoid acid reflux. Heartburn occurs when the sphincter of the stomach or the lower esophageal sphincter is weakened for various reasons. When the muscle weakens , causing the contents of the reflux of stomach acid, heartburn foods to avoid so the burning sensation.

Control symptoms of heartburn does not mean the complete elimination of food. This simply means avoiding those that may increase the production heartburn foods to avoid of stomach acid and increase the level of acidity in the stomach. Here is a list of foods that you should be clear from the order to avoid acid reflux .

    Fruits are healthy and nutritious, heartburn foods to avoid but some fruits can increase the acidity of the stomach. Some fruits that you need to avoid adding to your diet are citrus fruits such as lemons, limes and oranges , which are highly acidic . Tomatoes should also be avoided . Juice from fruits like cranberry and grapefruit are a big no -no .
    Raw onion should be removed from the list of food.
    Consumption of dairy products such as ice cream, heartburn foods to avoid milkshakes and sour cream should be minimized.
    Spaghetti with tomato sauce and heartburn foods to avoid pasta with tomato-based sauces and dairy products should be removed from the list .
    Also avoid meat and meat products such as ground beef, chicken wings and chicken nuggets .
    If you are a fan of spicy food , unfortunately, forced to withdraw. Spicy foods tend to irritate the lining of the esophagus and stomach heartburn foods to avoid, which increases the probability of causing a burning sensation .
    Foods that are rich in fats and oils are also foods to avoid acid reflux. Fatty foods are known to relax the lower esophageal muscle, but the muscle must be tight to prevent acid slips into the esophageal tract. Fast foods and fried foods should be eliminated from the diet to prevent heartburn.
    Keep away from food and drinks heartburn foods to avoid that contain caffeine. These include tea, coffee and even soft drinks. If you can not stay away , choose products that are free of caffeine , as decaffeinated coffee.
    Soft drinks, like soda , caffeine or added to the list of foods to avoid. As they are carbonated , which put pressure on the stomach and can easily force the stomach contents into the esophagus.
    Chocolate products and chocolate products such as chocolate, brownies, and anything that contains chocolate should be limited in the diet .
    Avoid drinks containing alcohol . Drinking wine , champagne and beer could lead to an episode of heartburn .
    Foods with mint (and yes mint ) are known to cause acid reflux from the stomach.

This list of foods to avoid acid reflux can seem a bit overwhelming heartburn foods to avoid, but once you decide to follow , you will see a reduction in symptoms of heartburn. Avoiding certain foods can be very difficult, a good solution is to reduce consumption. Minimize your portions of food and drinking plenty of water are other ways heartburn foods to avoid to reduce heartburn.

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