Acid reflux cause acute discomfort although brief acid reflux causes moments when stomach acid used for digestion moves sharply backward and upward into the esophagus , usually caused by the lower esophagus opens or closes bad times , disrupting the flow of substances that the body takes in. Most of the time people do not realize they have them because they are frequently used for it acid reflux causes. It just happens.
However, the constant acid reflux makes the development of a condition acid reflux causes called gastro esophageal reflux disease , where the body becomes a physical disorder. Called GED short, this disease can be very dangerous if not treated complication because stomach acid , is designed to break down food , acid reflux causes is strong enough to damage the tissues of the esophagus.
This can cause inflammation of the esophagus and can lead to pain. Moreover, the long-term presence of this condition can lead acid reflux causes to permanent damage to parts of the tissue of the digestive system , particularly the esophagus. This can even lead to cancer.
GED symptoms in adults and acid reflux causes children are based on the causes of acid reflux. For example, frequent and lengthy case of heartburn - an unusual experience burning sensation in the throat or chest - is one of the most common indicators of GED. In the case of children , GED may be a little more difficult to detect because the symptoms do not always seem harmful. These symptoms can vary from frequent vomiting belching acid reflux causes. Even with a dry cough and bad breath or when you feel like there is food stuck in the throat can be symptoms of acid reflux.
For this reason, acid reflux causes the best thing you can do to treat GED and all the things that cause acid reflux is prevention. Doctors have observed certain types of physical conditions that make them prone to result or worsening of acid reflux. These include alcohol, obesity and pregnancy. In addition, the intake too much or citrus acids as substances that are spicy acid reflux can also cause act up .
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